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Firefox 2 Launch: Interview With Chris Beard, Mozilla VP Products
This afternoon Firefox 2 will be officially launched
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Productivity and Screen Size
Productivity is a key argument for workplace usability, but you must measure it carefully
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Adobe Digital Editions Beta Launched
Adobe has released Adobe Digital Editions Beta - a Rich Internet Application (RIA) for digital publishing and reading
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Google Custom Search Tomorrow
Look for Google to announce a customized search service on Tuesday morning
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The Rise of Flash Video, Part 2, and an interview with Shirley Kaiser
Tom Green, author of several books on Flash, addresses the questions of quality and compression in part two of his series on Flash video
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So You Wanna Be a DOM Star
Aaron Gustafson started several Ajax Experience atendees off on a great note with his presentation entitled 'So You Wanna Be a DOM Star'
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How to Be a Great Host
John Gladding of A List Apart explains how anyone who can host a great party can start a successful forum
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Details on our CSS changes for IE7
The developers of IE7 provide a run down of the CSS changes in IE7.
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Dynamic Drive CSS Layouts
An assortment of tableless, CSS based page layouts to quickly define the skeleton of your pages.